1632 Southeast Parkway
Azle, Texas 76020
Tel: 972-383-0001
Fax: 972-383-0005​
Lisa Owens

As Vice President and Environmental Compliance Director for EE&G, Ms. Owens has played an integral role in the program development of State/Federal mandated compliance activities, monitoring and reporting since 2006. It has been her goal to provide an organized system of documenting, reporting, compiling and archiving all data related to State/Federal regulatory compliance as well as maintaining corporate relations with clients. She strives to continually update her technical skill sets and knowledge base in the field of environmental science and regulatory technology in order to stay relevant in a rapidly changing industry. As a consummate professional with over twenty-years of previous national corporate exposure, Ms. Owens provides EE&G with the expertise and consistency derived from her years of experience with a fortune 500 company. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Oklahoma.
Primary Areas of Expertise:
Principal in charge of compliance program management tasks for 300 + underground storage tank (UST) sites throughout Texas and New Mexico. Compliance program includes UST system monitoring (SCALD/ATG/SIR), annual and triennial testing programs, seasonal fuel quality standards, interpreting and preparing inventory control reports, registration documents, preparing release determination reports (RDRs), creating TCEQ mandated UST site compliance inspection reports and other data milestones
Proficient at evaluating, reviewing and transcribing soil boring and monitor well field data streams into professional logs for client reports, water development boards and drilling companies
Field analysis and evaluation of soil and groundwater conditions associated with subsurface environmental assessments
Annual data compilation and filing of state Tier 2 and city Gasoline Air Emissions reports as mandated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) and Bernalillo County, New Mexico, respectively
Creation and maintenance of a corporate five-year rolling compliance records database system
Areas of Proficiency/Certification:
Certified Texas Class A/B/C Underground Storage Tank Operator
Certified GAEA Winlog Professional
Creation, development and integration of new corporate products through various computer programs (Excel, Adobe, GAEA and other Microsoft Products)